Source code for methodcache.helper

[docs]class WrapperFunction: def __init__(self, func): """ Wrapps an given function/method :param func: "raw" function """ self._hash = hash(func) self._func = func
[docs] def get_hash(self): """ Get hash of function :return string: Numeric Hash """ return str(self._hash)
[docs] def get_func(self): """ Return given function :return func: "raw" function """ return self._func
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Return Name of function :return str: Name of given function """ return str(self._func.__name__)
[docs]class WrapperParameters: def __init__(self, arguments=(), keyword_arguments={}): """ Wrap Parameters (arguments/args and keyword_arguments/kwargs) and provide a compared list of these two :param arguments: tuple of args :param keyword_arguments: dict of kwargs """ self._args = list(arguments) self._kwargs = dict(keyword_arguments)
[docs] def get_args(self): """ Return list of given args :return list: args """ return self._args
[docs] def santize_args(self): """ Create a dict from args. Every dict key start with the word "arg" followed by the value index of tuple. The value of this key are hashed :return dict: arguments as dict """ param = {} for index, arg in enumerate(self._args): param["arg{}".format(index)] = hash(arg) return param
[docs] def get_kwargs(self): """ Return list of given kwargs :return list: kwargs """ return self._kwargs
[docs] def santize_kwargs(self): """ Return a dict wich every value are hashed :return dict: kwargs with hashed values """ param = {} for name, value in self._kwargs.items(): try: param[name] = hash(value) except TypeError as e: param[name] = hash(tuple(sorted(hash(x) for x in value.items()))) return param
[docs] def santize_parameters(self): """ Give a common list of args and kwargs. see santize_args and santize_kwargs :return dict: Merged dict of args and kwargs """ return {**self.santize_args(), **self.santize_kwargs()}